***Registration is closed for this event***
Important Notice: Quiz Competition and Rocket Model Competition for the Workshop on Rocket Science Click here. Also Please Note that we have shared the Certificate of All participants, If not Received.
Kindly Contact Us Immediately -
Those who have not submitted their details for the Certificate for the 23rd and 24th may Workshop Kindly Click Here and Submit Now.
For any queries contact edu@omspace.in or WhatsApp +91 9879841901

***Registration is closed for this Event***
Interested in Space? Then let us LAUNCH you there
With a power-packed 2-day workshop comprising of an actual EX colleague of the legendary APJ Abdul Kalam at ISRO and a Rocket Start-up CEO, this is an opportunity like none other.
There's more! We have hand-curated content dealing with Rockets. History, Science, Facts. ..you name it.
You Will Earn
Two-Days Workshop Certificate
Opportunity to Meet and Discuss with ISRO Former Scientist, Prof R.R.Elangovan.
Learn the Basics of Rocket Science from the Experts and Scientist.
Career Guidance in Aerospace Sector from the experts.
Opportunity to do Internship In Omspace Rocket and Exploration Pvt Ltd
Opportunity to become a Lucky winner for our YOUGSPACE ROCKET AND EDUCATION Program. One Year Training in Space Launch Vehicle (valid for 8th - 12th Standards Students Only)
"Life is not rocket science. But, it must be a rocket which searches its science to aim high and fly the highest." And we are here to make that Rocket Science easy for you. Omspace Rocket and Exploration Pvt. Ltd. is organizing a 2-days workshop on Rockets held online. It is for all the space enthusiasts out there searching for the opportunity to learn rocket science. It is going to be an interactive and fun workshop. If you are offered a seat on Rocket Ship, Don't ask what seat! Just get on.
So are you ready for blast-off?
23rd and 24th May 2021
Time: 05:00pm IST
***Registration is closed for this event***
